On-Going Things that are Pissing Me Off 14

Well a few things have been on my mind and building up, so let’s begin.

Charter Schools and Voucher programs:  There is no evidence that Charter Schools are any better than public schools, there is evidence however that they are much, much worse. What is this about, the incessant need to cheap out on our children? What I mean by cheap out here is, the hiring of unqualified individuals with crackpots ideas to teach our children.

Creationism: Check.

Distorting test results: Check, Why does Michelle Rhee’s name always come up in these cases?  (Hey New Orleans, what’s up?)

Greenwald, because Greenwald… that guy is simply exasperating. I’m tired of him.

Climate change deniers.. seriously, what will it take for these people to wake the fuck up?

Politico, all of it, all of their reporters, Check out the link, Pot meet kettle.

Chuck Todd, who doesn’t seem to know what his job actually is, oh well.

Congressional Republicans, god they piss me off. So once again they are attacking poor people. Why do they hate poor people so much? I honestly don’t understand it.  Republicans actually worship at the Temple of Draco. I am convinced of this.

Congressional Republicans have rushed headlong into a draconian new cut to the nations meal assistance program known as  SNAP. The 5% cut will displace 3.8 million people from receiving this assistance.  Not a big deal for those Republicans and their big wig friends.  However, the SNAP program dollar amount is around $32.00 a week for groceries per person. Wow. If one gallon of non-organic milk is around 6.00, which is roughly 1/5th of the weekly allotment, how does one get adequate nutrition? And yet these horrible human beings, Congressional Republicans, are willing to throw 3.8 million more people off the rolls, even though they are only getting $32.00 a week. It’s a huge cut at a time when we should be putting more money into that program. We should be boosting WIC, Public Health programs and senior meals. These monies need to be restored.

There are huge societal consequences to malnutrition.

In children the effects are great from an early age in that it impacts cognitive abilities.

From the Nursing Times.

Here is more on the impact of malnutrition on children and pregnant women.

Effects of malnutrition on the elderly.

And let’s be honest here, cutting SNAP does nothing for the budget, it has no impact. If Republicans were serious about righting the wrongs of subsidized money we would quit subsidizing oil, natural gas, corn, commodity crops, military contractors and their cost plus bidding processes, etc and so on. Cutting SNAP just makes Republicans look like they worship at the temple of Draco.  Well they do worship at the Temple of Draco, that is part of the problem.

And now onto ACA, Republicans need to stop, just stop, they look like the biggest asses on the face of the earth.  Like Chris Hayes said on Real Time last night, let’s see what works, let’s get this law implemented and see what works, and we will go from there.  And frankly, this is the law, all three branches have affirmed this. All three.  Time for the opposition to get over it. They Lost. Time to  participate in the system we have created, contribute to new reforms, something anything, just quit being such pricks about everything by basically holding the entire country hostage because they are still mad they lost the election in 2008 and 2012.  If they don’t they will be left out of the process, because the more they dig their heals in and do nothing, or do things that have extremely negative effects on the nations already fragile economy, they will be thrown out of office, and that is just fine by me.

That’s all I got.

Have a good day.


    • .

      Hi Teresa… What a perfect topic. Here’s what’s really pissing me off.

      If you happen along and read this. Sorry to dump this here, but it’s the only place I know someone who is also a member of the Prime threads.

      Have you been able to get on the Prime site since Josh has started the BIG change over? I can load the Main Site front page but it takes forever to load. I can’t get into the Prime site at all.

      I can’t post on the front page since I had to change my password to comment in his ed blog thread you can find here http://bit.ly/1evL7OS

      When I try to go back after signing off it requires me to re-set my password again.

      Just wondering. If you wish you can email me at:



      • I think you should be OK now Ducky, since I approved your comment so you should be able to post here easily.
        I’ll email you as to the Prime stuff. Thanks for stopping by!

  1. And you still want to keep capitalism, the reason for all of this ??

    But I digress. Charter schools and vouchers serve only one purpose. To keep the upper crust white schools – white and upper crust.

  2. .

    Hi Teresa… What a perfect topic.

    Here’s what’s really pissing me off.

    If you happen along and read this. Sorry to dump this here, but it’s the only place I know someone who is also a member of the Prime threads.

    Have you been able to get on the Prime site since Josh has started to begin the BIG change over? I can load the Main Site front page but it takes forever to load. I can’t get into the Prime site at all.

    I can’t post on the front page since I had to change my password to comment in his ed blog thread you can find here http://bit.ly/1evL7OS

    When I try to go back after signing off it requires me to re-set my password again.

    Just wondering. If you wish you can email me at:



  3. Go Teresa go, says the man whose son has just embarked on a two-year stint via Teach for America in an inner city Newark charter school. I don’t disagree with you–but he wants to teach, he’s unhappy with the state of things, and we’ll see how he feels two years from now.

    I think at the threshold that when the public education system is starving, it’s hard to feed minds.

  4. Hi Teri, Just had to comment, too, because I agree with so much you’ve written here. (I’m signing in with my CC account because it’s WordPress, but it’s me!)

    I think there are some good charter schools (Hi, Bruce), especially those set up by institutions of higher learning, but the rush to charter schools is nothing more than an attempt to demoralize, defund and eventually destroy public schools. Once the country gets used to the idea of charter schools, goodbye centralized public education.

    Boo to Rhee, Greenwald, Todd and yes, the entire Politico crew. And any other group of supposed journalists who refuse to look at the big picture and instead let their egos and their own biases drive what they write.

    Ramona (Mona)

  5. Relative to the public policy points (schools, nutrition, etc.) it is obvious, and has been for some time, that what is really happening here is that a group that genuinely enjoys the suffering of others is driving the discussion on the Republican side.

    Their policies are designed to inflict damage, nothing less.

    Want some confirmation? Two notable examples I can cite are the ‘bagger getting in the face of a Parkinson’s patient at a demonstration, and the infamous “Let him die!” shout from the crowd during Ron Paul speaking at a Republican debate.

    These are not people who are serious about anything other than harming others for their own enjoyment.

    As for Greenwald, the less said the better. Let him stay outside the US permanently, then.

    And Chuck Todd, sadly, does know what his job is, as defined by the reality that what we still persist in calling journalism is now in fact clearly only an advertising medium, and generating viewership over reporting facts increases ad avail prices, full stop.

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